
Diplomat Middle School uses Focus to document minor infractions and referrals. Minor infractions are used to document minor behavioral incidences that occur on campus. Some examples are below, and this is not an exhaustive list. Teachers and staff members take the actions indicated in the chart as students progress through discipline steps.


Infractions: cheating, Chromebook (not having it or not charged), disorderly conduct, disruption, dress code violation, electronic telecommunication device (air pods, cell phones, smart watches), horseplay, insubordinate/disrespect, no show discipline, profanity (including racial/ethnic slurs), safety violation, tardiness, unauthorized area, unauthorized website/online games



Discipline Step in FOCUS

Consequence / Action

Verbal Warning (Conference with Student)

Change Student’s Seat  

Minor Infraction: Step 1 

Team Time Out - Telephone Parent/Guardian

Minor Infraction: Step 2

Lunch Detention - Telephone Parent/Guardian

Minor Infraction: Step 3

ISS – Telephone Parent/Guardian

Minor Infraction: Step 4

After School Detention – Telephone Parent/Guardian

Minor Infraction: Step 5 > 

Write a referral and indicate the step that he/she is on

AND email Ms. Pena to schedule a PT Conference




no cell phones, no smart watches

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Minor Infraction and parent contact

3rd Offense: Minor infraction, parent contact, security will confiscate phone and student may pick up at the end of the day.

4th Offense: Referral and security will confiscate phone. Parent will need to pick up phone from the office. 

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