Before/After School Program

Before/After School Program Application



Goal:                            Diplomat Middle School will be operating a Before and After School Program for our students.  This program will provide working parents an opportunity for their child to arrive on campus as early as 7:30 a.m. and be in an atmosphere which is safe, orderly, and productive as late as 6:00 p.m. The Before School Program will take place in the Gymnasium each morning that school is in session. Students will be supervised in the Gym and can play basketball, four square or other organized games with friends.  Our After School Program will take place in a classroom, and will allow students the opportunity to read, work on homework assignments or socialize with friends while playing games.  Because this is an extension of our regular school day, all Diplomat Middle School rules apply, and the SDLC Code of conduct will be followed. Cell phones and/or AirPods or other listening type devices are NOT permitted in the before or after school programs.


Days of Operation:         Our program will follow the Lee County School District calendar. 

The After School program is   NOT available on early dismissal days.

Hours of Operation:      7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

                                             4:15 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

*Students are NOT permitted at school before 9:15 a.m. OR After school beyond dismissal unless they are paid participants in the Before/After School Program.


Enrollment:                   Parents must complete a DMS Student Before/After School Program enrollment form to register their child. There is a $35.00 non-refundable enrollment fee per student which covers registration for both programs.


Student Fees:                 Non-refundable enrollment fee of $35.00 for the Before and After School Program. 

$30.00 flat fee per student, per program, per week.  Full payment per week is required for   attendance. Flat rate will be prorated for shortened weeks based on the current SDLC calendar. A $1.00 per minute late fee will be charged for after school pick up beyond 6:00 p.m.

Payment:                            Payment for the program must be on a weekly basis each Monday or on the students first day of attendance for that week.  Payment may be made in cash or check.  If payment is by check, please put your child’s first and last name on the check and make it payable to Diplomat Middle School.  The Diplomat Middle School Before/After School Program does not extend credit.  If there are not sufficient funds available in the students account they may not attend the programs.    


Insufficient Funds:         All returned checks are subject to a $20.00 service fee.  The amount of the returned check plus the $20.00 service fee must be paid in cash. Student attendance to the Before school program will be suspended until receipt of the aforementioned payment.


Eligibility:                           The DMS Student Before/After School Program is open to all DMS 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  Students with five or more discipline referrals per quarter must obtain administration approval).


Program Rules:                A priority at Diplomat Middle School is that our atmosphere is safe and orderly for everyone.  This Fee Based program is an extension of Diplomat Middle’s regular school day and the Lee County School District Code of Conduct will be followed for all discipline issues. Use of CELL PHONES and AirPods is prohibited ** Any referrals in the Before/after School Program can result in suspension or removal from the program.




 This Fee Based program will remain available provided sufficient enrollment and resources.

 Due to the fee-based nature of our program, Diplomat Middle will require a    minimum attendance in order to meet expenses for running this service. In the event we do not have sufficient enrollment, parents will be notified, and the program will be closed until a later date.  FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Lori Sheehy at 574-5257


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