Dress Code




2024 - 2025

Diplomat Middle School considers the school a student’s workplace.  Though some clothing may be appropriate for socializing with friends or going out, they may not be suitable for school.  The purpose of a school dress code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming. The minimum acceptable standards for student dress and grooming to be interpreted and enforced by the principal or designees at Diplomat Middle School are:


  • All shirts must have a collar and sleeves. Collared shirts can be ANY color/print.

  • The collared shirt must be worn as the top layer AND buttoned up.

  • ONLY T-shirts issued or purchased from the school store are permitted.

  • Pullover hoodies/sweatshirts, sweaters, and jackets are not allowed. All outerwear must have a zippered or buttoned front. Sweatshirts/jackets must remain unzipped during school hours.

  • Wearing your sweatshirt/jacket hood on your head is not permitted.  

  • Transparent (see-through) or lace tops are not permitted.

  • Shirts may not be cut off.

  • Tops may not be excessively tight.

  • Midriffs should not be shown at any time. 

  • Strapless or low-cut clothing is not permitted. 


  • Sweatpants and athletic joggers are not permitted. 

  • Khaki and/or jean joggers are allowed.

  • Pants/jeans and shorts may be any color/print.

  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be no shorter than three inches above both the front and back of the knee.  

  • Pants/jeans and shorts shall be properly fastened, buttoned, zipped, and worn at the natural waistline.

  • Athletic shorts are not permitted.

  • Pants may not be excessively tight (no spandex, leggings, tights, or yoga-style pants).

  • Pajama pants and undergarments may not be worn as outerwear, nor should they be visible at any time. 


  • Shoes (appropriate footwear) shall be worn at all times. All footwear must have backs/straps. 

  • Crocs/Foam Runners(Yeezy), bedroom slippers, slides, flip flops, and backless shoes are not permitted.

MISCELLANEOUS: Students are required to wear a lanyard with their student ID on it.

  • Due to various health issues for some students and staff-- perfume, cologne, body spray, hair spray, and other strong aromatic items must be applied at home.

  • Water bottles are encouraged and allowed. We prefer the bottles to be plastic and NOT Metal.

  • Adornments/jewelry, which are attached (pierced) to exposed body parts (such as: tongues, eyebrows, and lips) are not permitted. Ears can be pierced. Noses may be pierced but must be a small stud.

  • Clothing with holes, rips, and tears are not permitted. 

  • Suggestive and/or distracting clothing is not permitted.

  • Writing, tattoos, or body stickers on the face, arms, hands, and legs are not permitted. Writing on clothing with pens or markers is not permitted.

  • The wearing of hats, stocking caps, combs, sunglasses, fishnet stockings, or bandanas are not permitted. Exception: Hats may be worn at P.E. only.

  • Any articles of clothing or jewelry (chains, belts, bracelets, rings, chokers, with or without spikes/studs) that could likely cause injury are not permitted. Wallet chains are not permitted 

  • Symbols that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any other illegal activity are not permitted.

  • Apparel or symbols that may be gang or cult related are not permitted.

  • Clothing, book bags, buttons, and jewelry with slogans/graphics or advertising of a controversial, sexual, or obscene nature are not permitted.

  • The district’s code of conduct states:  Students may possess cell phones and other personal electronic devices (including, but not limited to, cell phones, watches and earbuds) while on school grounds during regular school hours. However, they must be turned off at all times, unless utilized for an approved activity.

Any infraction of the dress and grooming policy that the teacher or administration feels disrupts the flow of education will be addressed.  Should a student choose to dress or groom inappropriately according to the school's dress & grooming code, he/she will be placed in the ISS room until the parent comes to the school to correct the situation. If the parent is unable to bring their child-appropriate clothing then we will provide the student with something that aligns with our school’s dress code. After repeated dress or grooming code violations, the student will be considered insubordinate. 

Dress Code- Spanish

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